Sunday, May 10, 2009

Milou, fox terrier - old but so what - ADOPTED

Little Milou was found hiding under a truck. The metal ring on his collar was broken and he had obviously been on the end of a chain. He is a bit small and harmless to be chained up.... Milou gets on well with all the other dogs, cats and people. He loves lying in the car and prefers a quiet life. If the other 8 dogs are too noisy, he goes and hides in a corner, preferably in the van.

The vet estimates his age around 8 years - there's a lot of life in him yet. He jumps up and over the walls without any effort. He has a slight heart murmur but no problems with that.

Milou has found a home in Germany in a family with two other older dogs!

Lisa, an adorable little fox terrier ADOPTED

Lisa was adopted in Germany 1/8/2009. She has a new 'brother' - another foxterrier!
More pictures