Saturday, November 14, 2009

Kas, young sabueso - found a home

Kas is adopted in Germany! (March 2010)
Kas_141109 (2)
Kas was passed on from one hunter (who treated him badly) to another (who felt sorry for him). But Kas is a pacifist - he is not a hunter. So Kas had to go...
He is a young and very friendly Sabueso/grifon. They are the big-eared dogs that make ideal pets: he is not dominant, likes people and other dogs, loves to come for a walk, he is not inclined to run off at all. Sabuesos are very calm dogs.
Kas was born in 2007, he weighs 22 kg and is about 50 cm high. A bit rough on the edges still but considering the life he's had, he is incredibly stable and well-tempered. Suitable for any kind of family!
More pictures: