Sunday, January 13, 2013

Linda, foxterrier mix

Linda is fiercely loyal, playful and will go anywhere with you. Well, she will go with you once you get to know her, she will not accompany just anybody on a walk ;).
She is almost 10 years old but a very fit little dog with her typical foxterrier mind: she makes her own decisions. In her foster home she tolerates all other dogs that arrive, male and female. She likes the big dogs best I think. At home she can be territorial and bark when new people arrive (especially men), but she does not do that when she is elsewhere with you. She loves driving and is often with us, she will be sitting quietly and let herself be petted. She does not mind to be washed or groomed and you can pick her up without any problems even if she may disapprove of this.

In the beginning we thought she would be a dog for "an old lady" - but it would have to be an old lady who can handle a little doggy with her own ideas until she's settled down.

Linda's history:
She was a pampered little doggy and lived with her owner, an old lady until she had to go into a nursing home. She also followed her into the home, but had to live in a patio. And when the old lady died, nobody wanted to take her in. So Linda lived in the patio for a while, in the local shelter for a while and now in Ceceda, her foster home. 

More info about Linda
Anjo -
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