Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Trasgu, a small black pequinese mix

Trasgu was found roaming the street - it turned out a man who could not pay his rent had left the house AND two dogs. Trasgu is a small dog with short leggies and short hair. There may be some pequinese mix in him.
He lives in a foster home now, in an apartment so he is house-trained, he loves cats, walks on the lead and travels often with his foster mother by car.
His only "bad" trait is that -as so many small dogs - he thinks he is a big dog and can be dominant towards male dogs.
Our Trasgu is such a well-socialised and loving dog that it seems strange nobody has wanted to adopt him yet!


Trasgu playing:

Trasgu and kitten Minoes - he is more than patient...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bola, a young terrier mix - found a home

Bola has found a home in Germany!

Little Bola is a very young dog, estimated about 10 months old. She looks like a mix between a terrier and a German shepherd, but she is only about 45 cm high and aprox. 15 kg.

We found her 28/11/09 tied up next to the perrera - as usual. She was sooo afraid! After a week she was already a lot better. She had to stay in the kennels as we had no space in our foster homes, but after her sterilisation she'll go to Pedro's house.

Bola is a very friendly dog, she gets on well with people and with other dogs. She is a calm dog and walks well on the lead. If you are talking to somebody, she'll just lie down next to you and wait until something is happening again.


Reina, boxer-sabuesomix - found a home

Reina found a home in Asturias, where they are very happy with her. She loves the little child and has already met the horse!

Reina is about 3 years old and seems to be a mix between a boxer and a sabueso. She is broad-shouldered, about 55 cm high and probably a good 25 kg - but very shy with a wonderful brown-coloured skin and incredibly friendly eyes that speak of a not very happy past.
She was found tied up to the perrera 21/11/09 - a usual occurrence. We immediately had her sterilised, one problem out of the way, also as the dear owners tend to get rid of the dogs if they see they are pregnant. Somebody else will pay for the operation...


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tommie, puppy border collie mix - found a home

Tommie has found a home in Zaragoza! His new family drove the 500km to ASturias to pick him up!
Tommie three weeks apart - 14/11 and 5/12. He was left near the little perrera in Infiesto, we found out he is half border collie. We think he was born in August 2009. He looks adorable and is a very active and open puppy. As a border collie mix he will need a good education. He is not in the perrera now but in a foster home in the mountains with our volunteer Mark with two other dogs. At the age of three months he weighed 5 kg and was about 25 cm high. He gets along with all other dogs, is struggling with being house-trained and defn¡initely has his own ideas - although at the same time he is very loving. He is a dog for people that can dedicate time to him and work with him so he can make use of his intelligence and need to be doing things.

Boy, young labrador mix found a home in Asturias

Boy is a young labrador mix, maybe 1 or two years old. About 55 cm adn 20 kg. He was found in the mountains of Piloña (Asturias) together with Uma and the dogs were recognised as belonging to somebody who did not treat the dogs very well at all. Boy is a nice young dog who does not understand why he is in a cage now. He is not used to walking with a collar at all, he is afraid to move with a collar on (the first day). He is very friendly towards people and deserves a home! He is sociable with other dogs (male and female) and people.


Uma, boxer mix found a home in Switzerland

Uma is a boxer/shepherd cross, medium sized (55 cm aprox, 20 kg). She looks to be about 4 years old and may have had ligament problems with one of her back legs, which is quite stiff - according to our veterinarian volunteer. She needs to gain a bit of weight as she is very thin. She was found in the mountains with her friend Boy. Another volunteer recognised the dogs - they were usually left to their own devices by the "owner". She seems to be a friendly and quiet dog. Definitely not at home in the cages - a dog in need of a basket near the heating!